Best of the Omo 2025


Embracing a genuine expedition approach, Piper has incorporated flexibility into the program, allowing us to seize unexpected photographic opportunities. The duration of our stay in each village will be tailored to ongoing activities and the collective goals of the group. Additionally, our journey may lead us to encounter various other tribes along the route.

2 CHARTER FLIGHTS AND ONE DOMESTIC FLIGHT – While most itineraries involve extensive road journeys to and around the Omo region, our approach is different. We opt for a flight into the Omo and private charters, flying directly from the eastern side of the Omo to the secluded Suri area, and later returning to Addis by air. This strategy enables us to optimize the time spent with the tribes, eliminating the need for prolonged and tiresome drives that can leave you drained. By avoiding such extended road trips, we ensure that you remain energized and in a creative mindset to capture high-quality work during our interactions with the tribes.

This expedition is restricted to a maximum of ONLY 6 GUEST, ensuring that photographers participating in the trip benefit from a superior experience characterized by optimal group dynamics.


2 PHOTOGRAPHIC LEADERS- Bringing top creative and technical skills to only 6 guests!

Piper Mackay – has 20 years of experience photographing throughout the African continent and lives in Kenya. She has spent 15 years traveling to Ethiopia, multiple times each year- long before the advent of tarmac roads and widespread use of cell phones. Her expertise in photographing the tribes of the Omo Valley is globally recognized, with features in magazines worldwide and her pieces adorning collectors’ homes. Beyond her artistic prowess, her compassionate approach and genuine concern for her clients’ satisfaction and success are unmistakable.

Jeff Vanuga is an outdoor and adventure photographer who taught himself the trade of photography to capture and share his creative vision with others.  He uses his unique artistic eye to breathe new life into themes and subject matter that might otherwise appear common.  His ability to convey raw passion for the natural world has earned published credits over the last 30 years in National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic Traveler, People Magazine, The Guardian, Outside, BBC Wildlife, National Wildlife, Audubon, Sierra Club, Time, Smithsonian, Wyoming Wildlife, Outside, The New York Times, Ford, Nissan, Patagonia and thousands of other publications and advertising clients around the globe.  Jeff was also my mentor for nearly a decade!

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