Monthly Archives: January 2023

Photographically, it has become more of a challenge.

by Piper on • (4 comments)

As nature and wildlife photographers, we are keener on climate change and the effects it has had on the natural world. As I was writing this it was raining in Kenya, mid-January, and we all had on our jackets; it is supposed to be the hot dry season. There had only been a few days…

While there is Magic 

by Piper on • (No comments)

The birds were chirping as the light was starting to filter through the grasslands and I had my first sips of hot Kenyan coffee. This past week we have been exploring and learning more about one of the leading conservation areas in Laikipia, Kenya. Less than two decades ago, this area was accessible only by… Read more »

Life Altering Moment

by Piper on • (6 comments)

Looking back at the beginning, it is hard to imagine where it all started nearly 20 years ago………….. From the moment my feet hit the rich red soil of Africa, back in 2004, I was changed. The sights, the smells, the sounds, the raw and wild spaces; it was a magic that filled my soul… Read more »

Searching for new and exciting destinations! 

by Piper on • (No comments)

One of the wonderful bonuses of living in Kenya is having easy access to the 42 wonderful reserves. When I start hearing the murmurings of new hot spots, I can easily plan a quick scouting trip!  In the last few years many of the private conservancies, which have very low vehicle density, have focused on…

The Camera brings Life

by Piper on • (4 comments)

“Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” – Anonymous A camera in hand brings awareness of the moments in front of you, fully immersed into the present (day-to-day life is left behind). Fully…