I choose the iphone –
For weeks you have been wondering about my experience with the Nikon D4 and if I have decided to make the change from Canon to Nikon. I honestly have not had the time yet to get my hands on the 1DX Canon, which I must test first, before making a fair decision. However, on my recent trip to the Omo Valley I almost decided to go with neither and just use my iPhone.
One of our last stops was at a Konso village, a world heritage site. The area is unique as the villages are at the top of the hills and the Konso have created a beautiful terracing system to grow their crops. The villages are very dense with a labyrinth of very narrow stone wall pathways. I had been there before and knew that even in the best lighting it was a very difficult place to photograph. I was tired and decided it was not worth the trouble of grabbing my camera’s but instead threw my iphone in my pocket.
Louise Porter was on the trip and brought an infrared camera. The images on the back of the camera looked amazing and were very inspirational (yes I am thinking about doing some infrared going forward!). The village, with the stone and use of wood was very neutral in color. With the thoughts of the infrared images in my mind, I was thinking the best way to capture this would be in black and white or cepia to capture the ancient and timelessness of this place.
We came around a corner and there sat this elder man along the beautiful stone pathway and I just had to take a photograph. They say the best camera is the one you have with you. Not wanting to miss this opportunity or the others below, I whipped out my iPhone and did what came natural. It was pretty exciting to see the results when I downloaded the images and processed them in NIK silver efex 2.
fabulous photos, seeing people as they are. you captured the reality of the district for which has enhanced my vision as though I were there..thanks a million.
Simply stunning photos. You are truly inspiring, Piper! Thank you so much for sharing your photos nd your experiences.
Thank you Norma
The Omo Valley has become so special rich with experiences that I just love to share.
Inspiring to say the least. This is what photography used to be all about even in the time of the Kodak “box” camera. It is not the gadgets in the camera that create an excellent and memorable photo, composition, or likeness. It is the time, subject, dedication, passion and creativity that does it all.
Keep on doing what you obviously do best and are great at Piper and God bless.
Jac It was actually kind of freeing and felt less intrusive. I have been looking at some of the mirror-less camera’s and am excited by the possibilities in the near future.
Wow! Absolutely beautiful. Thanks ever so much for sharing.
Simply Beautiful, glad you used the camera you had with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad to see you using a pocket camera, in this case your iPhone. Proves that it’s not the camera but the shooter that makes great images. Bravo for keeping it real 🙂
Nice iPhone images. Did you use the default (Apple-furnished) ‘Camera’ app or some enhanced one (e.g., Camera+, King Camera, Vintage Camera, Camera!). Also, was an HDR option turned ‘on’? For your infrared interests, before you convert a body, try an iPhone app like IRcam2Free.
I just use the dfault. Funny by I have only about 3 apps on it. I actually bought it for the easy release model release app. Thanks for the tip on the infrared app I am going to give it a try!!!
Piper, I am pretty sure you could make wonderful images with a box camera from the late 1800’s… your iPhone work is fantastic… your Canon work is fantastic.. your Nikon work is fantastic… whatever tools you settle on.. someone will come out with another “thing” right after you decide… just remember, the most important cog in this wheel is the one behind the camera — that would be you and your amazing talent! Can you tell I am a fan!!!
These are beautiful portraits Piper. I am starting to become more convinced that it is a handy tool for travel photographers.
Anne, it is a great tool for travel photographers. I have been using it for a little more than a year but more for my own documentation and for sharing. This was the first time that I used it on a more serious level and the outcome was good…interesting to see what lies ahead?!
Truly amazing. Which I-pone do you have?
absolutely stunning images ….i love receiving your mailings
always beautiful and informative….the sky is the limit for you!!
Awesome photos. They are so inspirational.