National Geographic, Maybe….

About a week ago I was on the National Geographic website doing some research and on a fluke clicked on the best shots photo gallery. They were requesting to upload your best animal shot, so I grab an image, uploaded it and forgot about it. Then last week I received and email, which I thought was from National Geographic, stating that my image was photo of the day. Well that was not exactly right, nor was it from NGO but I was  in the daily dozen and the email had been sent by a friend.  Soon I discovered that your image is voted on and rated, and if it wins they print it in the next edition of National Geographic. With  less than a week to go, I have decided it would be a hoot to win and  am asking for your help to vote and keep my rating.

You have to click on week 3 at the top right corner and then rate all the images. Helpful is to just rate all the other images as a 1 (as it lowers thier rating) but only if you feel right about it, and then rate mine as a 10:) which raises my rate….. LOL. My image is #39 Thanks for your time and VOTE and sharing this link with your friends.


Please click on the link and vote

http://ngm.nationalgeographic.​com/your-shot/voting- machine


4 Responses to “National Geographic, Maybe….”

  1. Phyllis Sale

    this is, by far, one of the best pix I have seen of cheetahs………it depicts the maternal protective spirit for which the cub feels and spells out………thank you so much .

  2. Piper

    This mother had lost all her other cubs already and she was going to great lengths to protect her last cub. The interaction between the two was priceless

  3. Shariq

    Hi Piper, Published in Nat Geo or not, this image is priceless. I love the innocent expression on the face of the Cub and the rather stern look on the mother Cheetah. Moreover the color is awesome. Great shot.