I have been challenged in my writing and creativity lately. Myself, I am very effected by my environment and having that special creative space is extraordinarily important especially when so much of my time can be spent in front of a computer. When I began this  journey of risk and transition to pursue my passion, one that is so strong I simply understood that not taking action was not an option and selling my big house was going to be a big part of it. I had a big beautiful house but one that had been torn up and under construction for years as after purchasing it and starting on the renovation with my own sweat and tears,  I discovered  my true path and  lost interest in the renovation. Traveling to Africa, being in the moment and exploring this amazing planet with my camera in hand became my true love.

Almost a year ago to date I was planning to be in Africa for at least 6 months or longer if all continued to fall in place. When life took a turn for me about 9 months prior to that, I took that as a sign to have the courage to follow my dream and never look back with regret. It became more the fear of looking back much later in life and knowing this is a one way ticket, and if I did not take the risk there were no do overs.  It was at that point that I discovered my motto of inspiration “what stories will  you tell in the rocking chair?”

When I put my house on the market, it sold in less than 24 hours and after being there for over 8 years I was really not prepared for how much security it gave me, but I quickly rented a place while I figured out the rest of the plan… perhaps the plan should have come first….hmmm. but like love, passion has it’s own destination… and matters of the heart have a life of their own.

For me, I had decided that it was important to have a place to come back to just “incase” all did not work as I hoped it would. So I wisely decided to reinvest in a place that I would like living in, one that I could rent and the rent could cover the mortgage, one that I could be creative in, and one that was easy to maintain.  When I began looking for that space the first thing I would do when entering a place is look for where my desk and computer would go. If it did not feel empowering, one that I could be creative in, I moved on and kept looking. As everything seemed to continue just fall into place I found that wonderful place with great light, 2 wonderful large private outside spaces and  one that I could feel very creative in. I lucked out and got it  in a short sell.   Looking back from where I now sit, it was a great decision! I moved in for 3 months and then leased it for a year, putting my stuff in a small storage unit.

I share this with you as things did not go as I had hope and dreamed and if you have followed this blog and story you know that I returned from Africa in only 6 short but very long weeks. I then landed at my parents for few days followed by a hotel for the next 10.  I found a place to rent and that was a disaster and moved again the next month to the place I am now renting. I was here only 6 weeks when I returned to Africa. I landed in Ethiopia on a journey that restored my soul and where I discovered a true focus in my work, so if you are still reading this, smile and know the journey continues…..

When I return I had so many deadlines over the past few months that I was able to just focus on them and ignore my surroundings but lately those walls have been closing in on me and it has effected my creative ability.

Your creative space is extraordinarily important so do not discount it! If you are finding it hard to sit at that computer and create then sit down and with the computer turned off  see if it feels good and it empowers you to create, if not, and a walk and a bike ride does not work, rework the space, rearrange the whole house, build a new room, but create the space that empowers you to flow with your vision and know you are not crazy even if everyone else might think you areJ

The biggest advice I can give to you when taking that leap of faith and risking it all for the passion that burns within you is to secure your creative environment. I may continue to be more quiet over the next few weeks as I struggle with the challenges of  my own creative space BUT I will move back to my space of  tranquility in 8 weeks,  just 6 days before I depart to my magic place, Africa. I will be there for month and then I am sure you may want to put on the headphone to drown the constant chatter and excitement of  this girl who is continuing to follow her passion and dreams through all ROAD BLOCKS  no matter how big they may seem.


7 Responses to “CREATIVE SPACE”

  1. Donnette Largay

    Great article! We all have these creative blocks, and finding a way to re-work them is a great idea.

  2. piper mackay

    Right now I think it is more the dreary space I am working in, as you experienced when you were here, so I am looking forward to getting back to a better space in 8 weeks or less

  3. colin

    Thanks Piper for sharing your journey…don’t think of the space as dreary, but rather a blank canvas in which you can develop. Best wishes as you head to Africa. Look forward to hearing about that journey too.

  4. piper mackay

    Thank colin, the place I am renting is very dreary but I will be moving back to my own loft in 7 weeks and am very excited, as it has been a long 10 months. I am also excited to head back to Africa for a month in just 8 weeks and be able to share the experience with everyone.

  5. Bill Oates

    Sometimes it takes radical action to break free of the creative doldrums but I’ve seen your work. You’ll be fine! Come back with lots of photos from Africa! I envy your courage to follow dreams.

  6. Meg

    Piper, this post was a mind-blower to come across at just this moment! I just finished writing my blog for tomorrow, which revolves around my recognition that my view of my surroundings is a reflection of “where I am” internally. (Dont get me wrong, I agree that places have their own energy, and its good to gauge it and proceed accordingly!) For me, the place I have been hanging my hat of late has been the State of Discontent and Disappointment, the cumulative effect of those ROAD BLOCKS you refer to. Yet, in my heart of hearts, I know that those obstacles only strengthen my resolve and clarify my purpose. I need to ride out the lows, let go of my expectations and the ‘outcome’, hang on to hope and let it rip! I may not know where the hell this is all leading but I know for sure that writing and photography are good for my soul and the way I make sense of the world and my place in it. If by pursuing my ‘calling’ I can offer a little sustenance to another soul, so much the better! You did my heart good with this post…we are not alone! Keep the Faith!

  7. Zan

    Piper, I love your work and your story. I look forward to seeing and hearing about your journey. Very inspirational!